Hello everyone, this time I want to post about the "Service Learning" assignment. I observed about littering around me, which is included in point 15 SDGS 'Life on Land'. First, I did some investigation around me and I found there was trash still strewn about. After doing investigation, I did the preparatory stage to find a solution so that people would not litter. Next in the action stage, at this stage I cleaned the area from scattered garbage and made a warning poster not to litter. The next stage was a demonstration, so what I did for the problem of littering is to clean the area by sweeping the scattered garbage and burning it so that the garbage does not scatter again. After that, I made a warning poster with the intention that no one would litter. I made a poster with the words 'Yuk Buang Sampah Pada Tempatnya'' and I put it on the wall. With the hope that the poster can invite readers to throw garbage in its place. Documentation Name : Ade...